
New Research Suggests Low-Dose Aspirin May Help Lower The Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes Development Among Older Adults

“Aspirin treatment reduced incident diabetes and slowed the increase in fasting plasma glucose over time among initially healthy older adults,” the researchers explained.

“Given the increasing prevalence of Type 2 diabetes among older adults, the potential for anti-inflammatory agents like aspirin to prevent Type 2 diabetes or improve glucose levels needs further study.”

But, while this finding is exciting, it is crucial to note that aspirin has been tied to an increased risk of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. Current guidelines recommend older adults to only use aspirin on a daily basis if they have a specific medical reason, like the risk of a heart attack.

So, in the wake of these study results, the researchers still advise patients to continue following their primary physicians’ instructions when it comes to aspirin consumption.

“Although these new findings are of interest, they do not change the clinical advice about aspirin use in older people at this time,” concluded Professor Sophia Zoungas, who led the study.

To read the study’s complete findings, visit the link here.

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