Categories: Relationships

His Wife Planted An Airtag In His Car And Lied About It Because She Thought He Was Cheating

Katharina Buczek

“And continued to double down on the lie by making more and more elaborate explanations for how the Airtag could have gotten in my car, to begin with,” he explained.

Then, when he tried to tell his wife that she had violated his privacy and ruined the trust they’d built over their 13-year relationship, she just claimed that she was sorry and that she didn’t know what else to say.

This bugged him, too, since it felt like she didn’t even acknowledge how hurt he was. Instead, his wife just began listing out all of the reasons why she felt justified in planting the Airtag.

According to her, he had become pretty distant, and they didn’t spend much time together anymore. She also claimed that he was always in his home office on his phone or computer.

He still didn’t think these were valid reasons, though, since his wife does not work full-time. Rather, he is the main earner who is just trying to work hard and support their family.

That’s why he is just really annoyed with his wife for not trusting him. Still, he’s not sure whether his anger is justified or not, given his wife’s concerns.

Can you understand why his wife might have felt concerned about him acting distant? At the same time, did she violate his privacy by planting the Airtag? Who’s in the wrong here? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek

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