
His Mom Gets Nostalgic And Wants To Have Dinners With Just Him And His Siblings Like When They Were Children, But He’s Refusing To Go Because His Wife Is Excluded, And It Makes Her Very Upset

FornStudio - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Ever since this man and his siblings grew up and started families of their own, his mom has gone through periods of nostalgia.

And more recently, she’s wanted to essentially recreate their childhood family dinners by having meals with “just them.”

Now, this clearly means that his wife and kids, as well as his siblings’ spouses and children, are excluded.

“And I know my mom doesn’t mean for this to be interpreted negatively, but the whole idea of this dinner puts me off,” he admitted.

After all, he is currently in his mid-thirties, married, and has children. So, while he obviously loves his family, it just feels strange to get together with his parents and “play pretend” for a few hours, as if he and his siblings don’t have entire families of their own.

“Of course, that’s not the obvious connotation,” he noted, “But the very point and design of it is to be exclusive to ‘our family,’ or my childhood family.”

So, his mother gets all focused on the fact that the dinner is “just them,” like when they were kids, and gets emotional.

And he gets super uncomfortable, cringing at the thought of pretending to also relish in the “nostalgia.”

He also just doesn’t understand why the dinners can only include “just them” in order for his mom and dad to enjoy them.

FornStudio – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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