
His Father Started Sobbing When He Said He Doesn’t Want To See Him Or His Children Ever Again

Drobot Dean - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 34-year-old man has a strained relationship with his father.

When he was 13, his father cheated with a 25-year-old woman. She got pregnant as a result, and his father left him and his sister to be with the woman he had an affair with.

Eventually, his father married the woman he cheated with and is still with her.

“I hate my stepmother because she’s always rubbed it in our faces, and he did nothing about it,” he said.

By the time he turned 17, he didn’t keep in touch with his father any longer, but his sister still chose to communicate with him from time to time.

Also, when he was 17, his mother remarried, and, luckily, he had a close bond with his stepfather.

“He’s always treated me and my sister like we were his own children,” he explained.

Not too long ago, he married his partner, who he’s been with for a long time, and they have 9-year-old twins together.

His father has only met his children once, and he didn’t say a word to his father during the get-together. However, his father tried saying he was sorry for his behavior in the past. But he didn’t think his father’s apology was sincere because of the sincerity and callousness of his father’s actions.

Drobot Dean – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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