
His Daughter Lied About Going To A Football Game, So Now He’s Refusing To Let Her Attend The Homecoming Dance

Well, yesterday at noon, his daughter randomly texted him and told him that practice had been extended back to 5:30 p.m. He was fine with that and didn’t think anything was off. So, he planned to pick her up at that time as usual.

Well, he arrived at 5:20 p.m. and began waiting in the parking lot. However, his daughter never came out. So, by the time 5:40 p.m. rolled around, he texted his daughter to see where she was, and she claimed to have been “helping her coach with something really quick.” His daughter also promised that she would be out soon.

“At that time, I knew she was lying to me,” he admitted.

That’s why, after his daughter got to the car, he decided to confront her and call her out for lying. It was at that point that his daughter confessed and admitted to going to a football game– not attending practice.

“I don’t know why she didn’t tell me she wanted to go,” he vented. “I’m not a strict parent. I would have happily said of course she can go.”

This, coupled with his daughter’s lie, made him pretty angry, too. So, he punished her for lying by refusing to let her attend the homecoming dance next Friday.

And now, he’s not sure whether barring her from attending the dance was the wrong way to handle the situation.

Do you think that the punishment fit the crime? Why do you think his daughter lied about going to the football game? Would you punish your child if they did this? Or encourage more open communication? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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