
His Daughter Lied About Going To A Football Game, So Now He’s Refusing To Let Her Attend The Homecoming Dance

Cy - illustrative purposes only

This guy’s 14-year-old daughter recently moved in with him. Before that, his daughter lived with her mom ever since she was 3-years-old.

He claimed that he was always present in his daughter’s life, seeing her every weekend and celebrating every holiday with him.

However, this is the first time she’s lived with him, and he moved in at the beginning of summer break.

After moving in, his daughter also expressed an interest in playing volleyball. So, he wanted to help her make that happen.

“Every day, we would practice so she could try out for the freshman team,” he recalled.

“She made the team and has been doing great.”

Now, she typically has volleyball practice right after school four days a week. The practice normally ends at 5:30 p.m., but sometimes, it ends early at 5:00 p.m. His daughter’s coach will let her know in advance if it’s supposed to end early, too.

Anyway, this week, his daughter told him that practice would end at 5:00 p.m. yesterday and today since her coach has an appointment.

“Cool, I’ll be there at 5:00 p.m. to pick you up,” he responded.

Cy – illustrative purposes only

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