Categories: Relationships

Her Roommate Wouldn’t Feed Her Cat One Night, So She Stopped Helping Her With Her Dog, And She’s Enjoying Watching Her Roommate Struggle Because She’s Salty About It

Bre Avery Zacharski

She ended up leaving her boyfriend’s house, and she sat in traffic on the highway for close to two long hours.

When she did finally make it back home, she was surprised to see Jane lounging around on their couch.

When she questioned Jane about why she couldn’t have helped her by just giving Fievel a can of food for dinner, especially considering the fact that she helps her out with Max constantly, Jane told her she could say no to helping with Max.

Jane also informed her that she never agreed to help her care for her cat.

“So I started saying no,” she explained. “Max peed on her clothes every day for a week because I wouldn’t let him out when she asked, and now she has to bring him to doggy daycare every day, which is way more expensive than I thought it was.”

“She’s really upset with me because it’s $100s per month that she doesn’t have and is telling me she’ll feed my cat whenever I ask now if I’ll just let Max out during the day, but I’m still salty that she made the problem in the first place so I’m fine seeing her waste her money.”

She’s left wondering if it’s mean of her to no longer help Jane out with Max when Jane failed to return the favor.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Bre Avery Zacharski

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