
Her Roommate Wouldn’t Feed Her Cat One Night, So She Stopped Helping Her With Her Dog, And She’s Enjoying Watching Her Roommate Struggle Because She’s Salty About It

Rido - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or cat

This 26-year-old woman currently rents a home with her 27-year-old roommate named Jane, and they have lived there for the past eight months.

When she and Jane moved in together, she brought along her cat, Fievel. Then, four months ago, Jane asked her if it would be alright for her to adopt a dog.

She said yes, and Jane ended up adopting a little dog named Max. Now, Jane’s job requires her to be in an office, but she works from home.

So, Jane wound up texting her a lot to see if she could help her with Max by letting him out or feeding him dinner if she was running late at work.

It never bothered her to agree to help Jane out with Max. Then, several weeks back, she was spending the weekend at her boyfriend’s place.

Right when she was planning on driving back home, she saw that the news was covering a terrible accident on the highway she had to take.

Traffic was so badly backed up that she decided to text Jane to see if she could give Fievel dinner for her and that she would plan on driving home the next morning.

Well, Jane told her no, she would not help her take care of Fievel that evening.

She thought that Jane declining to help her in a pinch had to mean that Jane wasn’t home that night.

Rido – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or cat

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