
Her Mom And Her Husband’s Dad Secretly Dated For A Year And Got Married Just One Month Before Her Wedding Day, Which Caused Only Half of Her Guest List To Show Up

So, she wound up telling them to get out, and she and her husband decided to go through with the wedding anyway.

According to her, the people who had “common sense” took their side.

However, other people– like her mom’s best friend– essentially called and tried to guilt-trip her into forgiving her mom.

“You can always find someone else to love you; you’re still young. Your mom doesn’t have time like you,” her mom’s best friend told her.

Quite frankly, though, she really didn’t care. She told her mom’s best friend to “shut up” and hung up the phone.

Anyway, on the day of her wedding, only about half of her guests showed up because the other half just did not approve of her relationship anymore.

Regardless, she didn’t care because she loved her husband, and she always will.

“I just don’t think it was fair to us to slap that on us a month before our wedding and try to tell us that we had to break up. My mom did that to me and his dad,” she vented.

She was unbelievably hurt, and she could tell that her husband was, too, even if he tried to act strong for her.

So, it genuinely feels like her mom completely stabbed her in the back and betrayed her.

Yet, ever since saying “I do” to her husband, she can’t help but wonder whether going through with the wedding was somehow the wrong thing to do.

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