
Her Husband Wants Their Moms To Be There In The Delivery Room When She Gives Birth, But She Really Wants It To Just Be The Two of Them So She Can Soak In The Moment

Now that she’s been with her husband, she has been able to experience what it’s like to have a healthy relationship with amazing communication. They love being around each other and lift each other up.

Her husband provides emotional support, and he’s a good man who she knows loves her.

“I mean, he won’t even sleep if he knows I’m just having some normal discomfort from pregnancy and will literally check on me millions of times to see if I need anything,” she shared.

“So, a huge part of me wants it to just be him and me in the delivery room. I want to be able to soak in this moment with him and see his facial expressions and feel the overwhelming love I know is bound to come, without the prying eyes and distractions of others.”

Even though she feels strongly about this, she hasn’t yet expressed this to her husband because he’s hoping for both of their mothers to be in the delivery room with them.

Both of their mothers are wonderful people, and they are incredibly supportive and loving. Plus, she would feel comfortable if they were in the delivery room with her and her husband, and she believes their presence could provide her with a sense of peace. However, she wonders if her thoughts on wanting just her husband to be in the room with her are reasonable.

What would you do if you were in her shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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