
Her Husband Wants Their Moms To Be There In The Delivery Room When She Gives Birth, But She Really Wants It To Just Be The Two of Them So She Can Soak In The Moment

leszekglasner - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman is currently pregnant with her fourth child. She had her first three children with her previous partner, whom she was with for five years. One year after the breakup, she met her current husband.

“He has been a dynamite partner and stepdad. This is hands down the healthiest and most cherished I have ever felt in my life, and, six years in, I’m still gushing over him like a schoolgirl,” she said.

The relationship she had with her ex was unhealthy. She doesn’t blame her previous partner or herself for the toxicity, but she believes that they just weren’t a good fit from the start.

Unfortunately, she and her ex couldn’t communicate their perspectives constructively without having arguments.

Since their perspectives were always so vastly different from one another, they were never able to meet in the middle.

Sadly, neither of them could provide the type of support the other needed because they couldn’t put themselves in the other’s shoes.

“Therefore, when I had my other children, we had other people in the room. Him, my mom, his mom, his grandmother for one of them, my sister. I even had a slew of student residents in there as well because why not? And it really boiled down to the fact that I knew that this man was not going to give me that emotional support that I desperately needed during labor and delivery,” she explained.

Like always, she didn’t blame her ex for this because she still felt like both of them were not good communicators and weren’t a great match for one another.

During the deliveries of all of their children, her ex slept the entire time.

leszekglasner – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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