
Her Ex-Husband Yelled At Her For Taking Money Out of Her Son’s Allowance When He Refused To Complete His Chores

insta_photos - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Did you receive an allowance growing up?

Every family has different rules in place for allowances, chores, and earning money. Unfortunately, it can take kids a long time to grasp how valuable time and money is.

One woman recently took money out of her son’s allowance after he refused to complete his chores. Then, he complained to his dad about it, and she got yelled at.

She’s 41-years-old and has three sons with her ex-husband. Two of her sons are 12-year-old twins, and the other is 10. 

When her sons were eight, she had them start to do daily chores around the house. When they all turned 10, she started giving them a weekly allowance in exchange for doing chores. 

“Chores are only mandatory five days out of the week,” she explained.

“I don’t care what time of day they choose to get them done, as long as they are done by the end of the day. I made it clear to my boys [that] once they started earning money, they would be getting 10 dollars a day for every day they complete their chores. If they fail to do so, then 10 dollars would be deducted.”

Her twin boys have been doing this for two years, and her youngest son has been doing it for a few months. She pays them their allowance every Wednesday and encourages them to save up when they can so that when they spend weekends with their dad, they can buy something or go somewhere fun.

This system has been working really well, and her boys have been good about getting their chores done.

insta_photos – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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