
Her Boyfriend Completely Ignored Her On A Beach Vacation With His Family, Which Left Her Heartbroken And Confused

Also, her boyfriend kept leaving for about thirty minutes or an hour to smoke, but he’d never smoked throughout their relationship up until that point. Then, he repeated his “jokes” about leaving her behind at the beach house and driving back home without her.

“I felt alone, and even if I tried to talk to him about if anything happened, he’d ignore it and ask why I was asking, never giving me a real reason. This went on until the trip was over. By this time, I felt so unwanted there,” she explained.

Understandably, she was heartbroken that this was supposed to be such a fun trip, but the majority of the time, her boyfriend didn’t pay any attention to her and wouldn’t even explain why when she asked him. It also seemed like his parents noticed his distant behavior but didn’t say anything about it.

At this point in their relationship, neither she nor her boyfriend had said they loved each other yet, and she’d hoped that they would have confessed their love during this vacation. Sadly, this obviously didn’t end up happening.

For the entire six-hour trek back home, she and her boyfriend didn’t speak.

“When he finally dropped my son and me off, he stared before awkwardly giving me a hug goodbye. By the time he made it home, he finally admitted he felt the chemistry change between us and pushed me away. He said he needed time to think about things, and he’d let me know,” she shared.

Then, when she asked if they were “okay,” he didn’t respond. Her boyfriend didn’t acknowledge any of her feelings about how he treated her throughout the trip.

In her view, if he’d noticed a change in the way they connected or if she’d done something that hurt his feelings, he should have just told her right away.

But instead, he gave her the silent treatment.

Now, she rightfully feels devasted, depressed, embarrassed, and like she doesn’t even understand what happened.

During the trip, when her boyfriend started ignoring her, it made her feel like she shouldn’t have gone on the trip with him in the first place. If she and her boyfriend do stay together, she doesn’t want to put herself in that position ever again.

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