
Her Best Friend Invited The Girl Her Ex Cheated On Her With To Her Wedding, So She Dropped Out of Being The Maid of Honor

nataliakabliuk - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A year ago, this 21-year-old woman’s best friend, 22, asked her to be the maid of honor in her upcoming wedding.

“We had always been inseparable throughout high school, so I excitedly accepted, as they were high school sweethearts, and they had been planning it for a while (they planned it out, and she knew about the proposal before he did it).

In total, her best friend, B, had four bridesmaids, and B made a group chat for them all to be in so that they could easily discuss details when needed.

Unfortunately, several months after B and her fiancé got engaged, she had some issues with two of the bridesmaids, and so there were then only two bridesmaids left.

One day, she, B, and the other bridesmaid went shopping for their bridesmaid dresses. B was hoping for them to wear either a beige or black dress, and she didn’t want the dresses to be shiny or have sparkles. This made it a bit tricky to figure out what types of shoes would look nice with this color of dress.

B also didn’t want the bridesmaids to wear any jewelry or any accessories in their hair because she didn’t want any attention diverted away from her. She could see B’s perspective on this, so she didn’t mind these rules.

When she asked B where she and her fiancé were registered for wedding gifts, B said that they were hoping to just receive money from guests to go towards their future move. However, a year after the wedding, B and her now-husband still haven’t moved.

In the past, she and B had a close friend named Ali.

“Ali was basically a best friend of ours before I caught my then-boyfriend of four years cheating on me with Ali in his bedroom, making out, partially dressed,” she explained.

nataliakabliuk – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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