
He Wants To Host Christmas At His House Again So His Kids Can Enjoy Their New Gifts At Home, But His In-Laws Want To Change The Plan

Alena Ozerova - illustrative purposes only

With fall officially underway, it’s that dreaded time of year again.

No, I’m not talking about the controversial return of the pumpkin spice latte or even the brisk weather. Instead, it’s time to try and coordinate holiday plans with your entire family. Yikes.

This man is especially feeling the struggle right now, too.

“Every year, we seem to have a big song and dance about where Christmas Day will be spent– our home or the in-laws,” he explained.

And each year, he and his wife are forced to reiterate how they would prefer to host the holiday at their house. That way, their two young kids– who are 7 and 4 years old– could spend Christmas playing with all of the new gifts and toys.

Since the holiday will be celebrated at his house, and he really enjoys cooking, he and his wife also extend the invitation to her parents– his in-laws.

“But in the past, I have said I would rather them just turn up and spend time with the kids rather than bringing plates of food,” he recalled.

After all, he always has the meals covered. Plus, he claimed that his in-laws just are not the best cooks.

Well, there have already been discussions about this year’s holiday celebration. And apparently, his in-laws mentioned that they’d “had a thought” and would like to change the plan.

Alena Ozerova – illustrative purposes only

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