
He Took An Old Friend Out To Lunch And Ordered Her A Steak Without Asking, But He Didn’t Know She Became A Vegan

Maksim Shebeko - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 30-year-old guy has a 28-year-old female friend named Alex, who he has not seen in a while. So, just yesterday, they decided to grab lunch together, and he wanted to treat Alex to a good meal.

“Alex and I used to be roommates, and back then, she used to love steaks,” he recalled.

So, he opted to pick a restaurant that is known for its stellar steaks solely because he knew Alex used to really enjoy them.

Then, when they arrived for lunch, and the server approached their table, he just ordered two steak dishes for the both of them. He did not bother to ask Alex what she wanted or if she was following any specific diets.

Well, once the food showed up at the table, Alex was pretty taken aback. She also asked if all of the food was “Beyond Meat.”

He soon found out that his friend actually started a vegan diet numerous months ago.

“And she was now a die-hard vegan, even taking a minute to show me a brief video related to animal cruelty in the food industry,” he explained.

According to him, Alex was pretty polite, given the circumstances. But she still didn’t seem too thrilled that he ordered for her and was definitely frustrated about being taken out to a steak lunch.

This made him feel really terrible for not checking with her first, too, so he did apologize. He also offered to order Alex something else.

Maksim Shebeko – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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