
He Told His Father About How His Brother Didn’t Contribute A Dime On Their Business Trip To Japan, And He Wound Up Getting His Brother Cut Out Of The Family Business

tawatchai1990 - illustrative purposes only

This 23-year-old man, his older brother, Sam, 26, and their father all started a business together not too long ago.

As a part of opening up the business, the three of them were going to travel to Japan to set everything up.

While organizing the trip, they came to the conclusion that he would arrive in Japan three weeks sooner than Sam.

“He had wanted to go to a concert with his friends. So, I went, and with my own money, and set up everything for us. Getting a car, apartment, business fees,” he said.

Three weeks passed, and Sam got to Japan.

In the beginning, everything was going well. When they discussed how they would split bills and living expenses, Sam assured him that he would pay him back soon.

“Boy, was I stupid to believe that. After about a month of us being in Japan together, the expenses really started to pile up, and I was running low on the cash I came with,” he explained.

Since Sam hadn’t yet paid for his share of the expenses related to their vehicle, their business, and their apartment, he asked Sam if he could pay up.

In response, Sam asked him why he should be paying for any of these expenses when none of them had been his choices in the first place. He continued, claiming that he only came to Japan to see if all of this would be beneficial.

tawatchai1990 – illustrative purposes only

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