
He Proposed To His Coworker On A Whim, And His Friend Says He Really Just Proposed In The Laziest Way Possible

Africa Studio - illustrative purposes only

Deciding to propose is one of the biggest decisions you can make in life. When you want to propose but don’t yet have a partner, what are you to do?

For the last year, this 33-year-old man has wanted to get married. All he needed was to find someone to propose to.

Throughout his dating life, his potential partners had negative traits that he couldn’t ignore. He sometimes wondered if he was being too picky and should have given his dates more of a chance before moving on.

This past weekend, he was visiting his parents. His mom, 63, asked him if he’d met anyone special yet, and she said that she was excited to have grandchildren someday soon. While he does want to have children someday, he doesn’t feel quite ready for that yet. However, he understood his mom’s excitement about the possibility.

“When I got back to work, I was chatting with some of my coworkers. One of them, Nancy, 31, and I are quite close. We’ve known each other for about four years now and are often assigned to work on projects or travel conferences together. Aside from work, we have hung out many times in the past,” he said.

Even though he knows Nancy in almost only a professional setting, they have had conversations about their goals in life, how many children they each want, and the qualities they look for in a future partner. But these conversations were, of course, had knowing that they weren’t referring to dating one another.

Over the years, Nancy has told him about her frustrations with dating.

“She started ranting to me and another one of our work friends about how some guy ghosted her, and at this point, I (jokingly) asked her if she’d marry me. She said yes (also jokingly). I, at this stage, asked, ‘Will you marry me?'” he shared.

Understandably, Nancy and their other work friend were completely shocked because of how sincerely he asked the question. Nancy asked if he was serious, and he assured her that he was. He continued by telling her that he enjoys their time together and he thinks they’d be “compatible.” Then, he asked her again if she’d marry him, and she said yes.

Africa Studio – illustrative purposes only

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