Categories: Relationships

He Made A Video To Publicly Expose His Influencer Mom For Being A Liar, And He’s Since Been Banished To Go Live With His Aunt

Bre Avery Zacharski

This 16-year-old guy’s mom and dad had him when they were young and still in college. Due to that, he was sent to live with his grandparents until his mom and dad were able to graduate from college and then get married.

His mom and dad went on to have his three little siblings, and they currently live in a major city together.

His dad does have an actual job, but his mom has a blog, is active on social media, and is basically an influencer.

His mom never talks about him in her blog posts or in social media, but his mom does feature his younger siblings a lot.

His mom has talked about his siblings online from the time that she got pregnant with all of them, which happened after his mom and dad tied the knot.

“She writes a lot about our “lifestyle” and brags about how thrifty she is and simple, but she doesn’t tell people that my grandparents give us money and that she blows it on really expensive things like buckets and sweaters,” he explained.

“Trust me when I say that NONE of what you see online about my family is true except for where we live and our names. Anyway, I vented a little bit to my friend about how my parents go back and forth pretending to be poor but then not and then back again, depending on who they talk to.”

“And I said that sometimes that meant that my mom buys something expensive and stupid to brag about, but then I have to hear about eating less or being “more simple” about birthday wishlists because life is too expensive.”

He decided to make a video at their home and then post it on TikTok to expose his mom for the liar she is.

J Bettencourt/ – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Published by
Bre Avery Zacharski

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