
He Ghosted A Woman He Met On A Dating App Because When He Went To Pick Her Up For Their First Dinner Date, He Realized That She Had Totally Catfished Him

He was fine with that, too, so they agreed to meet up, and he planned to pick her up from her apartment.

So, when he was a few minutes away, he texted the woman to head outside. But then, as he approached the apartment complex, he thought he saw a large man waiting outside.

“I drove up, and I realized it was her,” he revealed.

“She’s massively overweight, like 300 pounds, and she obviously was using fake pictures.”

This realization pushed him to keep driving past the apartment before making a U-turn. Then, he replied to the woman’s text– giving her fake vehicle information– and drove away.

Afterward, he just headed to a McDonald’s to get food by himself and “reconsider all his life choices.” He also blocked the woman.

“And at first, I felt vindicated,” he vented, “But now, I feel like really bad.”

So now, he’s not sure whether ghosting the woman– even though she lied to him– was actually the wrong thing to do.

Have you ever been catfished on a dating app? Do you think he had a right to ghost the woman? If not, how else should he have handled this situation? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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