
He Found Out His Boyfriend Wasn’t Really Going Out For A “Work Dinner” And Instead Met Up With A Different Guy, But He Isn’t Sure What To Do About It

Rido - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man and his boyfriend have been dating for five years and living together for two years. At the beginning of August, his boyfriend also landed a new job.

So, over the past two weeks, his boyfriend has gone to two different after-work drink outings with his coworkers to apparently talk about work-related topics.

“Each time, my boyfriend has gotten home around 11:00 p.m., which is pretty late for after-work dinner, in my opinion,” he said.

Even stranger, his boyfriend just went right to bed after returning home from the most recent work dinner. His boyfriend did not even say hi to him or ask him how he was doing.

According to him, this was extremely bizarre. After all, they hadn’t seen each other since 7:00 a.m. that morning, and his boyfriend never just got home and went straight to sleep without talking to him.

Anyway, that same night, he eventually got into bed, too, and noticed that his boyfriend’s phone was not on the charger. Instead, it was on his side of the bed, meaning his boyfriend must have fallen asleep– forgetting to plug the device in.

So, his suspicions got the best of him, and he decided to pick up the phone, plug it in, and check his boyfriend’s messages.

It was at that point that he discovered a ton of texts sent recently by an unsaved phone number.

“I am not proud of this… and I have never done this before, but I looked at them,” he admitted.

Rido – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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