
He Decided To Choose A Wedding Buffet Caterer That Donates Food Waste To Local Shelters, But His Family Is Pressuring Him To Switch To Plated Meals So His Sister, Who Struggles With Obesity, Won’t Be Tempted To Overeat

Gecko Studio - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man will be getting married this year, so he and his fiancée have been in the midst of wedding planning.

And when it came to food, they decided to offer a buffet to their guests. They mainly made this decision after finding a caterer that actually donates all of the uneaten food from events to local shelters. That way, food waste is minimal.

“It’s why we hired them. We liked the idea of no food being wasted, and the caterer partners with charities to stop as much food waste as possible,” he explained.

Ever since his family found out about the food plan, though, his sister and parents have been seriously upset.

Apparently, his sister struggles with obesity and overeating. So, she believes that having a buffet at the wedding will just be too tempting.

Instead, his sister claimed that she would prefer to be served a plated meal. That way, the portion size is limited, and there won’t be any opportunity for her to go up and get more food.

“As long as there is a buffet, she will be tempted– even if one of them [his parents] makes her plate,” he revealed.

Due to this, his parents and sister have actually asked him to change caterers to someone who will serve plated foot instead of a buffet.

And even after he told his sister no, his parents stepped in– agreeing with her and claiming that he “had” to do it.

Gecko Studio – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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