
He Confronted A Bully’s Mother At His Daughter’s Parent-Teacher Conference And Scolded The Woman For Her Son’s Behavior

Monkey Business - illustrative purposes only, not the actual children

This man has a 5-year-old daughter, who has mentioned on numerous occasions that there is a bully in her class. The bully is a boy named Joshua, who is known for bad behavior, including pushing and yelling at kids and screaming at teachers.

Just last night, he and his wife also attended a parent-teacher open house at his daughter’s school.

“The teacher, classroom, school, and other kids and their parents were all wonderful,” he recalled.

Then, there was Joshua, who was running around and pulling items out of the other kids’ hands the entire night.

At the same time, he watched as Joshua’s mother just stood there “being a pylon.” So, he eventually had enough of the little boy’s behavior and decided to speak up to Joshua’s mother.

He first pointed at Joshua and then asked the woman, “Is that your kid?”

Joshua’s mom then said yes and went on a rant about how he’s just hyper since there were a lot of people and “extra excitement” at the open house.

He didn’t buy it, though, and got straight to the point.

“I hear this is pretty regular for Joshua,” he told the little boy’s mom.

Monkey Business – illustrative purposes only, not the actual children

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