
All of His Colleagues Found Out That He Sabotaged Another Coworker In Order To Land A Promotion At Work, And Now He Doesn’t Know How To Salvage His Professional Relationships

It was clear that his coworker was absolutely devastated. And at that moment, it hit him that he had acted like a total jerk and deliberately hurt Sarah just to get ahead.

He now realizes just how terribly he acted, and he claims to be consumed with regret.

Not to mention, he didn’t just damage his relationship with Sarah. His reputation at work is tarnished now, too, since some other coworkers found out about what he did and are totally disappointed in him.

So, he knows that there is no sugarcoating the situation and that he definitely acted like a jerk. Instead, he’s now just wondering how to come back from this.

“What can I do now to make things right with Sarah and try to salvage my professional relationships?” he asked.

Would you ever think to sabotage a coworker’s chances at advancing their career? How would you feel if you were in Sarah’s shoes? Do you think there is any coming back from this situation? If so, what can he do to fix his reputation in the office? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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