
After Moving In With His Girlfriend, His Quality of Life Really Went Downhill, And He Feels He’s Giving Everything But Getting Nothing

His girlfriend lets her dogs sleep in their bed, and it really disrupts his sleep. He also has lost a ton of weight from being weighed down by how poorly his quality of life now is, and his family is beginning to notice he’s not himself.

“She expects me to essentially do everything: cleaning, cooking, cleaning after her pets, taking the trash out, do everything,” he explained.

“Pay all the bills on top of that. [The] thing is, I feel like I get nothing in return. Even her pets, she pretty much wants me to take care of them, buy their medicine, buy their food, feed them, etc.”

“I don’t feel valued. I feel like in her hierarchy in the house. It’s her, the dogs, the cat and then me. I have to [have] space for her pets, be mindful of them, and make sure I do nothing… literally nothing to upset them. Otherwise, she gets mad. I can’t even put on my belt in front of her dogs. She hates belts, apparently, and that upsets her.”

His gut instinct is to break up with her and leave. He thinks he deserves far better than this, and when he was living on his own, his life was amazing.

The only thing that makes him hesitate is the worry that he’s being too rigid in his relationship. He knows couples need to compromise, and he’s wondering if everything he laid out is what he’s going to have to learn to compromise on.

What advice do you have for him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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