
Want To Keep Your Garden Glowing? Here’s How To Extend Your Summer Growing Season

cycreation -  illustrative purposes only
cycreation - illustrative purposes only

Gardeners dream about summer– when warm, long days and bright sunshine provide the perfect canvas for flowers to bloom and vegetables to thrive.

But once we turn the page on August and autumn’s chill starts to creep in, most of us will feel a pang of sadness. Most gardeners don’t want to say goodbye to their lush gardens filled with fresh produce and stunning blooms.

If you can relate, there is good news. There are a few ways you can keep your garden flourishing just a little bit longer. With these tips, you can actually extend your summer growing season.

Choose Late-Blooming Varieties

Selecting plants that are known for their late summer or early fall blooming can add weeks of color and life to your garden.

All you have to do is research varieties that are known to thrive in your zone. Then, sow some seeds and enjoy the extended beauty they offer.

Use Cold Frames Or Floating Row Covers

A little protection goes a long way after our hot days begin to turn brisk.

Implementing cold frames or floating row covers can create a microclimate that can extend the growing season by weeks.

cycreation – illustrative purposes only

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