
She’s Reeling After Finding Out Her Older Husband Will Leave Their House To Her Stepdaughter, Who Will Most Likely Kick Her Out When He Passes Away

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When someone passes away and leaves a relative their home, sometimes drama ensues over what to do with the house, who gets to own it or live in it, etc.

One woman is reeling after finding out her older husband will leave their house to her stepdaughter, who will most likely kick her out when he passes away.

She’s 47, and her husband is 65-years-old. They’ve been married for 10 years, and she lives with him in his home. He has a 30-year-old daughter from his previous marriage, and his first wife passed away. 

After marrying her husband, he encouraged her to quit her job in customer service, and she’s been financially dependent on him for years and living as a housewife. Things in their relationship have been going really well until recently, when her husband told her he would be living the house they live in to his daughter when he passes away.

This left her very shocked, and she felt blindsided.

“I am aware that due to our significant age difference, I will mostly likely outlive my husband by many years and will probably have to spend the last decades of my life alone,” she explained.

“So, I was really upset but also angry to learn I will most likely be kicked out of our house after my husband’s death and left homeless.”

“My husband explained to me that I knew the house belonged to his late wife, who inherited it from her parents, and that I couldn’t possibly expect him not to leave his house to their daughter.”

She became angry and tried to explain to her husband that since the house is now technically his and that after all the repairs and decorating she saw on the house over the years, it should be left to her to live in.

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