She Uninvited Her Mother-In-Law From Her Her Husband’s Funeral After Her Mother-In-Law Said She Never Loved Her Husband

New Africa -  illustrative purposes only
New Africa - illustrative purposes only

New Africa - illustrative purposes only

Three days ago, this 40-year-old woman’s husband, 41, tragically passed away. Understandably, the entire family is shocked and heartbroken.

She and her husband had two children together, and they are 5 and 6. For the last decade, she and her family lived close to her husband’s family.

However, two months ago, she received a promotion at work in a different state, which happened to be much closer to her family.

So, she and their children moved to a new house with her while her husband remained in their old house for the time being.

Before her husband passed away, he had been preparing to sell their old house so that he could move to be with her and their children.

After her husband’s passing, she drove 12 hours with her children so that she could start planning the funeral.

Then, her mother-in-law demanded that she bring her children to see her. Apparently, her mother-in-law claimed “she ‘needs to see them.'”

“This was after she didn’t show up to the funeral home to help arrange anything or support in any way,” she said.

“I kindly let her know where we are staying and that she is free to come by and spend as much time with the kids as she wants.”

New Africa – illustrative purposes only

“She tells me I am hateful, disrespectful, and ungrateful. She said that I never loved him, and she asked me if I had just lost a son. As if I did not just lose my partner and the father to our kids.”

Obviously, the entire family’s pain is extremely raw, and she understands that everyone copes with grief in different ways. However, she felt that her mother-in-law’s harsh words went way too far.

“I told her that she was welcome to have her own services, but she was not wanted or welcome to attend the services I arranged,” she explained.

The service she planned is a memorial service to celebrate her husband’s life, and he will be cremated.

“His final viewing was today, which my mother-in-law was aware of. She said she couldn’t do it, and I understood why, but she didn’t even bother to show up to the funeral home to arrange or pay for anything,” she shared.

Now, she is going over the situation in her mind as she sits in her hotel room. She told her family what happened, and her family members were horrified and furious with her mother-in-law’s behavior.

Luckily, her whole family has been a wonderful support system for her during this horrible time in her life.

Her mother and her third child (her oldest, from a previous relationship) have watched her two young children for her when she needs to be alone to cry.

While grief is already complicated and painful, she is struggling because she doesn’t want to be crying hysterically too much in front of her children.

So that she didn’t have to go to her husband’s viewing alone, her mother went with her as support.

Later, she was looking through her husband’s phone, and she saw that her mother-in-law often said horrible things about her, but her husband always came to her defense.

Even though she is cognizant of the fact that her mother-in-law is grieving, she knows that she can’t allow her to be at the memorial service she arranged. She believes that setting this boundary is crucial.

Do you think she was right to uninvite her mother-in-law to her husband’s memorial service?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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