Categories: Relationships

She Told Her Mom To Not Volunteer To Help Take Care of Her Dad’s Affair Child, And Now Her Sister Is Calling Her Heartless

Bre Avery Zacharski

Her sister had to complete a background check, drop out of her college classes, and find a 2-bedroom apartment to live in in order to be fit to take this child in.

Her sister totally accomplished everything she had to in order to take custody of this little girl, but now her sister is really struggling.

So, her sister has since reached out to their mom, begging for help caring for the little girl since she’s really in over her head.

“She told mom if she loves her, she’ll help her, and she’ll start opening her heart up to her little sister who is part of her girls even if she hates our dad still,” she said.

“My sister laid on a guilt trip to her. Mom said she needed to think. So she called me and told me she didn’t want to do it, that she HATES the thought of having that child in her home and caring for her.”

“But she knows it will ruin her relationship with my sister if she doesn’t. I told her she shouldn’t do it. That she would not be a good fit for one, but she would also be miserable, and while my sister might not hate her, she could end up resenting them both. She agreed with me and told my sister she would not watch her.”

After her mom declined to help with the little girl, her sister turned around and called her, wanting to know if she was the reason why.

She pretended as if she had no clue what her sister was talking about, but her sister told her to stop lying.

Apparently, their mom was super close to agreeing, yet then said no out of the blue. Her sister called her a slew of terrible names before insisting she had no heart.

Her sister also said that one day, she’s planning on telling their “little sister” the truth about how she failed to help her and rejected her as well.

“I told her I owe the child nothing, and I would not apologize for telling Mom to do what she wants,” she continued.

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Published by
Bre Avery Zacharski

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