
She Told Her Mom To Not Volunteer To Help Take Care of Her Dad’s Affair Child, And Now Her Sister Is Calling Her Heartless

dissx - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This young woman’s dad spent years cheating on her mom. While he was conducting his affair, he also let her down plenty of times as well.

Her dad would make plans with her, but if his mistress was suddenly free, he would drop their plans without saying anything.

When she finally learned the truth about her dad’s cheating, she was furious, but her little sister wanted to still have him in her life.

The truth did come out because her dad got his mistress pregnant, but her dad’s mistress ended up losing the baby.

Her dad went on to marry his mistress, and 2 years ago, her dad and his mistress had a little girl together.

She has never met this little girl, as she has kept her dad out of her life. Well, a couple of months back, her dad and his mistress passed away in a car accident that took the lives of 5 different people.

A social worker reached out to her and her little sister to see if one of them would be willing to take her dad’s baby in.

The social worker had tried to see if any older relatives wanted the baby, but nobody did. So, they were contacted next.

“My sister asked if we could raise her together,” she explained. “I said I was not getting involved and told the social worker I would not raise her. My sister, who is only 19, stepped up.”

dissx – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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