
She Overheard Some Girl’s Friends Talking Trash About Her At A Restaurant, So She Told This Girl That Her Friends Clearly Hate Her

FornStudio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This girl is on vacation in Italy right now with her friend, and they went out for dinner a few evenings ago.

They sat down at a table that was super, super close to another table of 4 American girls. It was clear to her and her friend that these girls were also all on vacation together.

“As soon as one girl from their group left for the bathroom (let’s call her Hannah), the other 3 friends started immediately talking [trash] about her,” she explained.

Hannah’s friends called her ditzy, they said she was obnoxious for crying on their vacation, and they also talked about how she failed a class at school.

One of the girls even said they should check and make sure Hannah wasn’t coming back to the table immediately so they would not get caught bad-mouthing her.

“My friend and I immediately felt very bad for the girl and agreed we would not want to be in a lifelong friendship with people that secretly hated her,” she said.

“We decided we wanted to let Hannah know the situation before we left.”

So, she and her friend started to leave the restaurant, but before they did, they stopped to tell Hannah, who was back at the table, the truth.

She simply said to Hannah that she would want to know if her friends were talking badly about her behind her back, and that’s exactly what Hannah’s friends had been doing to her when she got up to use the bathroom.

FornStudio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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