
His Wife Hasn’t Been Helping With Household Chores Or Even Showering And Brushing Her Teeth, And He Isn’t Sure How To Help

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 30-year-old man currently works from home; meanwhile, his 27-year-old wife is a part-time student and works as a part-time server at a restaurant.

Throughout their relationship, he also claimed that his wife always found it difficult to keep up with household chores. Still, they tried to split responsibilities evenly, and it worked for a while.

More recently, though, he noticed that his wife has slowly completed less and less of her share of chores around the house.

“Since I’m around the home more, I sort of just begrudgingly picked up the slack and did my best to keep the house in decent shape,” he recalled.

Nonetheless, it appears that resentment started to grow, and there was gradually more tension in their relationship.

Then, just two days ago, the situation came to a head after they got into a big argument.

The argument started after his wife proposed the idea of getting a new puppy. He simply could not believe his ears since puppies are a ton of work, and his wife was already struggling with their basic home needs.

“I can’t believe you even think we’re in a place where we could consider getting a new puppy when we can’t even keep the house clean as is!” he told his wife.

But his remark clearly struck a nerve, and his wife proceeded to go off on him. She pointed out how she didn’t enjoy having a sink full of dirty dishes or no clean laundry. Then, she claimed that she couldn’t even take showers or brush her teeth because she was so busy between her job and her schoolwork.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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