Categories: Relationships

His Mom Racked Up $125,000 In Credit Card Debt In The Last Year, And She Wants Him To Pay It Off

Bre Avery Zacharski

“…She’s an adult and I always respected and supported her decision to follow her own dream. It’s also clear she has spent a lot of money on coaches and fancy seminars. Whatever she spent it on, she is cagey about telling me, and it’s clear she has dug herself a $125K hole.”

“So I said no. She accepted my decision but also began crying, and I could tell she was really hoping that I would be her get-out-of-jail-free card.”

He feels awful for telling his mom no since he does have the kind of money to easily pay his mom’s debt off for her.

He adores his mom, and she really is a wonderful woman who raised him all on her own. He knows he owes his mom absolutely everything, but he just doesn’t want to do her this kind of a favor.

“But I doubt I would be paid back, and it feels like I’m enabling someone who has spun out of control with their finances,” he said.

“Not to mention, it would take a huge chunk out of the money from the settlement, which I have placed into my retirement savings.”

He’s wondering if it’s wrong not to say yes to paying off his mom’s credit card debt. What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Bre Avery Zacharski

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