
His Girlfriend Bragged To Her Friends About Cheating On Him, So He’s Thinking It’s Time To Dump Her

AboutLife - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 28-year-old man has been in a relationship with his girlfriend, 27, for the last five years.

Throughout the entire time they’ve been together, he felt like they had a solid foundation of trust and honesty, and neither of them discussed details of their relationship with other people.

“Last weekend, she had some friends over, and they were drinking. This is the first time I have been around her friends when they’re drunk, and it was eye-opening, to say the least,” he said.

Years ago, before he and his girlfriend were officially a couple, she had been physical with someone else.

At the time, they were essentially in a relationship but without the clarified discussion of putting a label on it. Even though there was a bit of a grey area, they both considered this cheating, and his girlfriend has always felt horribly guilty about her actions.

“One of her friends asked me about this. I was surprised, as I had trusted my girlfriend hadn’t told anybody, as she had promised me. I asked her friend to tell me what she knew about it, to which she proceeded to say, ‘We were out the other night, and she showed me a picture of the guy and bragged that she had hooked up with him,'” he explained.

His girlfriend overheard her friend telling him this story, and he saw his girlfriend make a face at her friend as if she was trying to get her friend to be quiet.

At the time, he tried to act like he wasn’t upset about this revelation, and he felt like his act was convincing because he thought his girlfriend didn’t realize how hurt he was.

“I haven’t spoken to my girlfriend about it, as I’m unsure how unreasonable I’m being here, but I can’t help but feel like I’ve been made to look like an absolute mug. My trust and privacy don’t matter anymore, and now I’m wondering what else she’s shared about our lives,” he shared.

AboutLife – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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