
His Coworker Lied To Him About Some Ice Cream That He Ate Being Dairy-Free, And When He Found Out That She Did This Just For Laughs, He Flipped Out On Her

Ant - illustrative purposes only

Food allergies are no joke. If someone tells you they’re allergic or intolerant to something, you should take that information very seriously. You never know how severe a reaction someone could have to certain ingredients.

One man recently flipped out on his coworker when he got sick after eating ice cream she swore was dairy-free, knowing he’s lactose intolerant.

He’s in his late 30s and works in a retail food space with other coworkers his age. One day, while working a long, 12-hour shift, one of his coworkers offered him some ice cream. 

“I declined, stating that I’m severely lactose intolerant and cannot have milk or cream,” he said.

“She already knew that, so it was more of a reminder to her that I’m lactose intolerant.”

His coworker told him it was vegan ice cream, and he had her reassure him twice. He figured he was in the clear, especially since they were green tea ice creams.

However, he started having stomach cramps about half an hour after taking a few bites. He dug through the trash to find the ice cream packaging, and after finally finding it, he realized it was made out of dairy products. 

“This coworker has a long history of not telling the truth and pranking people, and I should have known better than to trust her,” he explained.

“She will do things like text that she is going to be late or not able to come to work, as she is either on the way to work or already at work. She will say our other coworker told her he isn’t coming to work, only for her to laugh when he shows up.”

Ant – illustrative purposes only

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