Categories: Relationships

Her Parents Thought Her Little Sister Would Get Into A More Prestigious College Than Her, But When She Didn’t, She Couldn’t Help But Say She She Was Right

Chip Chick

This woman graduated from college last year. While she didn’t attend an Ivy League school, she did graduate from a pretty prestigious public university.

She was obviously proud of her achievements, and she was happy with her choice to attend this university.

During her senior year of college, her younger sister was a junior in high school. When she graduated, her parents and her sister came to the graduation ceremony.

“A few days before my graduation, I gave my parents and sister a tour of my college campus,” she said.

“A few times, I asked my sister if she liked the campus because maybe, just maybe, she’d end up going to the same college as me.”

“My parents told me not to provoke my sister and that she would get into a much better college because her high school grades and test scores were much higher than mine were. So, I dropped the subject entirely after a while.”

This year was her sister’s senior year of high school, so she was applying to a lot of schools.

Her sister applied to numerous Ivy League schools but also made sure to apply to some slightly less prestigious but still well-respected public universities, too, so that she had some backup plans in case she was rejected from the better schools.

“My parents and sister were confident that my sister would get accepted somewhere ranked higher than the college I went to,” she explained.

carlesmiro – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Chip Chick

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