
He Thinks It’s Absurd That His Girlfriend Owns A Home That Her Ex-Husband And Adopted Adult Son Are Living In, Yet She’s Helping Them Pay The Bills

T.Den_Team - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This guy has been dating his girlfriend for 6 years, and they moved in together 4 years ago. They are currently renting a home, and they’re planning to buy when the prices in the market come back down.

His girlfriend actually already owns a home, and she purchased it with her ex. Although his girlfriend still is legally married to this guy, they officially split up 6 years back.

“My girlfriend is tight on money this month for various reasons, and I suggested she sell the house to give her more cashflow,” he explained.

“She says that she will only sell the house when I am ready to buy a new house with her. This is all fine and well, but the housing market is crazy right now, and the prices are very high.”

“I believe that the prices will fall over the next two years, and interest rates will come down, and that would be the best time for us to buy a house together.”

His girlfriend’s ex and her adopted son, who is in his 20s, are the ones living in the home that she owns right now.

He said to his girlfriend that she should ask her ex and her son to pay for the mortgage on the house, along with all of the bills.

She just replied back that she’s not going to make them do that, as she should pay for everything related to the house since it’s her investment.

“She is quite insistent that she doesn’t want to be without a house at any point in time, so she will only sell when we buy together,” he said.

T.Den_Team – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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