He Exposed His Neighbor’s Affair Since It Was Really Messing With His Sleep Schedule

ID 144052419 - © Sergiomonti - Dreamstime.com -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
ID 144052419 - © Sergiomonti - Dreamstime.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

ID 144052419 - © Sergiomonti - Dreamstime.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Sometimes, our neighbors aren’t perfect. When they make too much noise and keep us awake late at night, we may feel like we want to take action.

Well, this man decided to take action against his noisy upstairs neighbor, and now he’s sleeping much better. This neighbor has been causing issues for a long time.

“She would throw parties on Monday nights,” he explained. “She gets home at 2 a.m. from work, pacing her condo and having loud phone conversations.”

“She’s 40-years-old, throwing parties with 20-year-olds, having affairs, and living like a teenager. I tried to talk to her like a normal person about my concerns, but she doesn’t care, and I’ve had to get the association involved to stop the parties. I hate her.”

Even though he understands that since she works late, her schedule is different than his, the noise she makes is way too excessive, and she clearly isn’t respecting her neighbors.

For the last four months, his neighbor has been having an affair with a married man. Normally, he wouldn’t feel like this was his business, but the man comes over to his neighbor’s condo late in the night, and they make a lot of noise while being physical, which unfortunately keeps him awake.

“How do I know it’s an affair? He’s never spent the night, and his car has baby car seats in there,” he said.

Due to intense frustration after so many nights of his neighbor preventing him from getting a good night’s sleep, he decided that now was the time to take action.

“So, I decided to learn some more about this mystery man. I looked up the license plate, found an address, searched the address, and found a name,” he shared.

ID 144052419 – © Sergiomonti – Dreamstime.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

After that, he looked on social media and finally tracked down the man’s profile, as well as the man’s wife’s social media account.

From there, he created a new, anonymous account and messaged the man’s wife to tell her about the affair.

It seems like his plan worked because, for the last several weeks, the man hasn’t come over to visit his neighbor.

Luckily, this has helped him to get his sleep back on track.

Do you think he was wrong for exposing his neighbor’s affair?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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