
You’re Probably Interested In Discovering If Your Dreams Having Deeper Meanings, So What Does It Mean When You Dream About Spiders?

You Have A Fear Of Becoming Trapped

It’s common knowledge that spiders weave sticky webs to catch their prey. A spider or spiderweb in your dream might be a sign that you’re trying to evade captivity from some aspect of your life.

For example, you could be feeling stuck in the same place as if your life is going nowhere, while others in your orbit seem to be making strides in their love lives and careers.

Or you’ve spun a metaphorical web of lies and are afraid of either being found out or consumed by your dishonesty.

Bad Luck Is Coming Your Way

It is said that killing a spider in your dream signifies bad luck, no matter if it was an accidental or deliberate squashing. Either way, misfortune is in your future, or it’s already here.

However, if you see a spider that’s already dead and wasn’t killed by your own hands, that’s a sign of good luck. A dead spider indicates that you did not cave into a temptation in your waking life, which shows resilience on your part.

You Are Ready To Take The Reins

This one is a little disturbing, but if you’ve ever dreamt about eating a spider or having one crawl into your mouth, it might actually be a good thing. Many people believe that the act of eating a spider stands for courage and that you’re ready to conquer your fears. Perhaps you’ve been putting off something that scares you, and now you feel that it’s time to take control.

These are just a few of the interpretations out there, and there are no definitive answers to what your dream might mean. With any dream, the most important thing to do is to figure out how you felt about it and identify where those feelings might be stemming from in your waking life.

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