
She’s Sharing An Embarrassing Bathroom Incident That Occurred On A Trip To Disney World

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TikToker Sam Hart (@thesam_show) is describing an embarrassing bathroom incident that occurred during her adolescent years while visiting Disney World.

So in 2011, fifteen-year-old Sam went on a trip to Disney World with her church youth group. On one of their days there, they headed to Hollywood Studios and stopped to grab some food for dinner.

After eating, they all decided to ride on the Friendship Boat to Epcot. One aspect of importance to note about the boats is that they do not contain bathrooms.

Additionally, the journey from Hollywood Studios to Epcot takes at least thirty minutes because the boat made a few stops at other resorts along the way.

Sam and her church group had been onboard the boat for about three minutes when Sam suddenly realized she was in deep trouble. Her stomach began roiling intensely, and she scanned the boat, looking for a bathroom.

However, there was not one to be found. Sam was shaking and sweating, trying with all her might to hold it in. The pain became excruciating, forcing her to rock back and forth. At that point, some of her friends were aware of the situation and tried their best to soothe her pain.

One friend was even rubbing her back lovingly. In a fit of desperation, Sam turned to her friend and told her she was going to hang off the side of the boat and pull her pants down because it wasn’t looking like she would make it to Epcot before soiling her pants.

Her friend pointed out that if Sam did that, she would be forever banned from Disney World for public indecency. So, pooping off the side of the boat was not an option.

Eventually, Sam resorted to curling up in the fetal position on the floor of the boat and praying for the boat ride to come to an end. You might be wondering why Sam couldn’t have just gotten off at one of the resort stops.

satur73 – – illustrative purposes only

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