
She Went To See The New Barbie Movie With Friends Instead Of Her Stepmom, And Her Stepmom Got So Angry That Her Dad’s Wedding Was Actually Called Off

A text argument then unfolded before her eyes, but she attempted to remain as calm as possible, even as she got accused of hating her stepmom and told that she should never talk to her stepmom again!

After a while, her stepmom blocked her and stopped sending flurries of messages. At that point, she went home to her mom’s house.

But she later found out that her stepmom had utterly exploded during their argument– reportedly screaming, sobbing, and even throwing things.

“I wasn’t there, but she was mad because I ruined everything,” she said.

“Apparently, our nuclear-esque family was perfect before I was honest.”

Still, the drama was far from over. Just a few hours later, she learned that her stepmom had actually called off all of their family plans due to their fight– including her father and stepmom’s wedding! 

Her stepmom’s reasoning was that she had “ruined” absolutely everything.

Thankfully, she claimed that no one else in her family had taken her stepmom’s side. Yet, she still has no clue what to do.

“I feel both awful and proud of myself,” she admitted.

I feel like I’ve done the right thing because she has done terrible things to my family without ever taking accountability.”

However, at the same time, she also pities her stepmother and feels guilty about prompting such an outburst.

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