
She Recently Had A Creepy First Date And Is Feeling Uneasy About Putting Herself Back Out There Again

Vall Rade - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 25-year-old woman recently went on her first date in over six months with a guy she met on a dating app. But while the outing started off wonderfully, she wound up leaving feeling really unsafe.

For context, she went out with a 27-year-old guy from 6:30 p.m. to 10:15 p.m. They first grabbed some boba tea before visiting a beer garden.

And when they decided to head to the beer garden, the guy offered to drive her as well.

She did not take him up on his offer, though, and just said she would meet him there. So, she drove separately, and everything seemed fine.

Upon arriving at the beer garden, the guy asked where she had parked. Still, she didn’t think anything of it, and they just proceeded to have dinner.

“We were having a really easy conversation, and it was fun. He said we should date and mentioned four different restaurants we needed to try soon,” she recalled.

“It seemed like it was going great.”

Anyway, by the end of the dinner, she offered to split the tab. But the guy refused and wanted to pay for the whole meal.

Afterward, they got up, left the restaurant, and held hands while walking through the parking lot. It was at that point that the guy asked her what time she normally goes to sleep and claimed he wanted to walk around and talk for a while longer.

Vall Rade – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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