
She Called Her Best Friend A Gold Digger And Accused Her of Flaunting Money 

lashkhidzetim - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
lashkhidzetim - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 39-year-old woman has been best friends with a woman named Jill, who is now 40, ever since they were in high school.

She also claimed that, from the beginning, Jill was always the “bombshell” in their friendship– with blonde hair and a tall and slim stature.

But, while everyone in their high school dated, including her, Jill never dated anyone. That really shocked her.

Then, by the time they went to college, Jill continued to turn guys down. By that point, she still couldn’t understand her best friend’s motives, and one day, she finally asked why Jill was so opposed to dating.

Well, it turned out that Jill just wanted to be with a man who was financially stable.

“I laughed it off at the time,” she recalled.

“I should also mention Jill grew up poor, as in her mother was going to the food bank poor.”

Anyway, following college graduation, she became a yoga instructor at a gym before continuing her education to become a teacher.

At the same time, Jill wound up meeting a guy at the gym who was very rich. According to her, she couldn’t even comprehend the amount of money that Jill’s boyfriend had.

lashkhidzetim – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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