
On Her Way To The Bus Stop One Morning, She Was Almost Kidnapped, But Her Sister Intervened

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child
LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

If you’re a parent, it’s imperative to teach your children about stranger danger. 

One woman remembered her parents teaching her and her sibling to be wary of strangers, but one day, she didn’t heed her parents’ advice. If her sister wasn’t there, she thinks she could’ve been kidnapped.

She grew up in the 90s with her two siblings. On this day, she was seven, her brother was eight, and her sister was 11. It was a weekday morning, and they walked a few blocks from their house to their bus stop. 

“It was a foggy morning, and the walk was almost too quiet,” she remembered.

“We were the only ones in the line of sight. We were a few streets away from the bus stop when a small white sedan pulled up next to us, slowly matching our pace.”

They looked over to the car, and there was a woman who seemed to be middle-aged behind the wheel. The woman rolled down her window and politely asked her and her siblings if they were heading to school with a smile on her face. 

She and her siblings silently nodded, knowing it was obvious they were heading to school because they had backpacks on. Then, the woman said they should “hop” into her car so she could take them to school.

Since she was so young and naive, she forgot about all the stranger danger advice she had learned and happily accepted the ride. Then, she felt her sister grab her arm tightly. Her sister sternly told the woman, “No thanks,” and made everyone keep walking.

“The woman’s smile seemed to fade and reappear in a fraction of a second,” she said.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

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