
If You’re Planning On Winning A Goldfish At A Carnival This Summer, Here’s How You Can Keep You Goldfish Alive And Healthy

Goldfish tend to thrive in water around 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit, so you want to ensure the water you put in their tank is within that temperature range. You should also add some fish tank gravel and real or fake tank plants to make your fish more at home!

When it’s time to transfer your goldfish into their new tank, again, don’t just plop them in there.

Place the goldfish’s bag into the tank while it’s still in there for at least 30 minutes so it adjusts to the new water’s temperature. Then, cut a hole in the top of the bag and let a bit of the tank water enter the bag every four minutes or so.

Add more water to the bag around three more times. Then, you can slowly release your fish into the water by letting them swim on their own or gently using a small net.

Once your goldfish has settled into their new digs, be diligent in caring for them. Make sure their water filter is always clean, and replace 10% of their tank water weekly.

Feed your goldfish some food once a day, and beware of over-feeding them. You don’t want to feed them more than the amount of food it takes them to eat within two minutes. 

Finally, if you have the financial means and a large enough tank, consider adding a second goldfish into their home! They’re social fish and would not mind a buddy to swim around with.

If you don’t think you could get all of this together for a carnival goldfish or can’t afford the upkeep, perhaps you shouldn’t even play the games it takes to win them. But if you can, enjoy your new little friend and make some memories!

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