
His Roommate’s Date Went Terribly Wrong, And This Girl Yelled In A Parking Lot Before Crawling Out From Underneath Some Bushes And Causing Chaos In Their Neighborhood

Eventually, it started getting late, so DeLonte suggested they return home. Before leaving, his roommate’s date ordered another round of shots. His roommate began talking to the couple sitting next to them, and that’s when his date stormed out of the bar in hysterics.

DeLonte rushed outside to make sure she was okay. When he reached her, she was yelling and calling DeLonte and his roommate a bunch of names.

As she was yelling, she fell. DeLonte helped her up and told her he would call a ride for her. But she was so intoxicated that she couldn’t tell him her address.

At that point, someone had alerted the police about the situation. While DeLonte was telling the policeman what had happened, she attempted to run away, and they both had to chase after her.

DeLonte and his roommate decided to take her back to their house and let her spend the night on their couch so she could drive home in the morning.

After returning to the house, they set her down on the couch, covered her in a blanket, and then went to the kitchen to grab some beers. She slept for about five minutes before getting back up and screaming.

She accused DeLonte of things he never did, ran outside, and shouted “emergency” repeatedly. DeLonte phoned the police and explained the situation to them. As they waited for the police to show up, DeLonte tried to calm her down.

However, she escaped and ran down the street of their neighborhood. She was screeching at the top of her lungs and banging on parked cars as loudly as possible. Finally, a police officer appeared.

Immediately upon seeing the police officer, she started accusing DeLonte again of things he never did. DeLonte told the officer that he had recorded the entire night’s events, which proved that he was completely innocent.

Fortunately, the officer believed him since the woman was clearly very drunk. At last, the police officer took her off their hands.


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? original sound – GetnTunechie

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