
Her Husband Wants To Be A Stay-At-Home Dad, But She Doesn’t Think He’s Capable And Wants To Hire A Nanny Instead

Prostock-studio - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 33-year-old woman and her husband, who is 37, currently have a 3-month-old son.

And since she was given a six-month fully paid maternity leave, she has been at home for the past three months. Her husband, on the other hand, was only given two weeks of paternity leave.

So, before they welcomed their son into the world, they had a discussion about post-maternity leave childcare.

It was at that point that they decided to hire a nanny once she was ready to head back to work rather than one of them being a stay-at-home parent.

“My husband and I have similar base incomes, but I have much better benefits and much greater bonus opportunities,” she explained.

“We could survive on just one income, but we wouldn’t be as comfortable as we are right now.”

More recently, though, it appears that her husband has begun to rethink their nanny plan. All of a sudden, he claimed to think that one of them should stay home with their son until he was 3 years old and ready to go to school.

However, she was honest and told her husband that there was absolutely no way she would stay home.

After all, it would hurt both her career and her retirement plans. She also just does not really enjoy being home.

Prostock-studio – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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