
Her Future Mother-In-Law Criticized A Wedding Dress She Loved, And When She Confronted Her, She Started Crying

At that point, she attempted to remain as polite as physically possible while putting her foot down.

She told her mother-in-law that while she was thankful to be accompanied as she went wedding dress shopping, the decision was ultimately hers.

After all, they were searching for her wedding gown.

“And that I was going to choose that one whether my mother-in-law liked the dress or not,” she added.

Still, her mother-in-law was not very understanding and instead just started crying! Then, the woman even began accusing her of being selfish and ungrateful for everything her mother-in-law had done for her.

Afterward, her fiancé’s mom actually walked out, caught a taxi, and went home.

Following that whole ordeal, she was forced to tell her fiancé Jack what had happened. And he actually thought she could have been more understanding.

Apparently, Jack is the only child in his family. So, he feels like this is his mother’s only chance to get this experience.

So, she has started to feel a bit bad ever since their wedding dress shopping trip went sideways.

“But I also feel like I should be able to choose the dress I want,” she vented.

That’s why she’s trying to figure out whether claiming that her future mother-in-law did not have a say in her wedding dress decision really made her a jerk or not.

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