
Her Future Mother-In-Law Criticized A Wedding Dress She Loved, And When She Confronted Her, She Started Crying

cherryandbees - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Next year, this 25-year-old woman will be getting married to her fiancé, Jack, who is 26.

While she and Jack are obviously excited to tie the knot, her future mother-in-law has also been really looking forward to the event. So, Jack’s mom has been extremely involved in the planning process.

And now that it has become time for her to search for a wedding gown, her soon-to-be mother-in-law also insisted on joining her.

But she really did not have a problem with that until recently, when they actually went dress shopping together.

While she was trying on dresses, her mother-in-law actually started criticizing every single gown that she tried on. Plus, the woman would say things like, “That’s a no for us,” or, “We can do better.”

“I was getting irritated, but I kept it inside to not cause any drama,” she recalled.

Eventually, though, she did try on one specific dress that she immediately fell in love with. And at that moment, she turned to the saleswoman and declared that that was the gown she wanted to purchase.

But rather than simply supporting her decision or being happy for her, her future mother-in-law actually just disagreed with her and made a rude comment.

“Are you kidding? I don’t want that one; she’s not pretty,” her mother-in-law actually said.

cherryandbees – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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