
Her Boyfriend Wants To Split Their Rent Based On Income, But He Picked Out Super Expensive Apartments And Thinks She Should Cover 80% Of The Bills

To her complete surprise, though, she was entirely wrong. For their entire first day of apartment hunting, they looked at a number of luxury units located in some of their city’s nicest neighborhoods. And the average rent for these listings ranged from $6,500 to $7,500.

At first, she did not say anything, and they just looked at all of the units. But then, when they got home later that evening, she confronted Mark and asked what he was thinking when selecting apartments with those price points.

At that point, her boyfriend claimed that he had picked his favorite neighborhoods and units to look at first. Then, he also admitted to not thinking she would mind “upping her costs a little.”

Finally, Mark said that he found some apartments in the $5,500 to $6,000 range and believed that would not be a “noticeable” increase in rent for her.

Still, she was extremely confused and asked her boyfriend how he expected them to split and afford that rent– because, in her mind, the math just was not working out.

“He looked at me like I’d asked the dumbest question in the world and said because he makes 20% of what I make, he’d be contributing to 20% of the cost, of course,” she revealed.

It was at that moment that she had to straighten out her boyfriend’s expectations. She pointed out how while she knows that some couples divvy up expenses based on income-proportionate percentages, she was not interested in that.

Instead, she thought that since they planned to share the apartment evenly, they should split the rent evenly, too.

“We’re not married, and we’re not even engaged. I’m not going to be gifting rent to him,” she said.

Rather than understanding her perspective, though, Mark just got upset with her– mainly because if they chose an apartment where he could afford to pay half, then his rent would stay the same; meanwhile, her’s would decrease.

And she did understand his point. Nonetheless, she claimed that her boyfriend would still be getting a larger apartment in a nicer neighborhood. So, she thinks he would still benefit greatly.

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